First Malaysian Uber Baby comes into the world in the back of a Perodua Myvi

When an Uber driver receives a request at one in the morning to go to the hospital, most would have rejected it, but not Roy Affendi Annuar, an Uber driver in Malaysia. He not only accepted the request, he picked the passenger up from his house, detoured to another house to pick up his pregnant-and-in-labour daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law, and sped towards the requested destination, a hospital 70 kilometres away.

According to the interview with Free Malaysia Today, Roy said that he suggested going to a nearer hospital, but the man was sure that they would make it in time (Hmph!). Roy told FMT that he kept driving and then heard an "Eek!" followed by the cries of a baby, and thus the first Malaysian baby to be born on an Uber ride made its entrance into the world, in the back of Roy’s Perodua Myvi.

Roy (centre) visits Malaysia's first Uber baby
Uber has an actual policy on what to do when a baby cannot wait to get out and does so in the back of an Uber driver’s vehicle – he or she gets an Uber Rider Onesie (at least the ones in the USA do), while the drivers gets tickets to a sports game (again, only in the USA as far as we know) and have their cars cleaned. After Roy delivered mother, baby and harried new grandparents to the hospital, he lodged a report with Uber and within five minutes, Uber called him, gave him extra credits, and had his car cleaned, we presume, of amniotic fluid and blood (childbirth ain’t pretty, folks).

uber baby

uber baby
uber baby

More and more women are using Uber to get to the hospital to give birth. As celebrity Jaime King pointed out, you would know more or less when the Uber car would arrive but not an ambulance:

In fact, about a year ago, a woman in New Delhi resorted to using Uber when her attempts to call an ambulance failed. They couldn't make it in time to the hospital, and the driver and her two friends helped deliver the baby. Grateful, the mother asked the driver to name the newborn, and he, who must be in turn grateful to his employer, named the baby boy Uber. Bet that the mother regretted it instantly.


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