NSFW: Top Tips for Sex in Cars

It is coming - pun not intended - sex in cars is predicted to be the next safety hazard when autonomous cars start plying public roads....

It is coming - pun not intended - sex in cars is predicted to be the next safety hazard when autonomous cars start plying public roads. But we at Automology like to keep an open mind; per chance that "joyriding" becomes a common pastime in the future, we scoured Reddit for some of the top tips for having a good time within a cramp space. What we found were practical, kinky and some downright hilarious.

#1: Brace yourself!

How I once wound up: She seated in passenger seat, adjusted all the way back and back slightly inclined; me kneeling on floor facing her (back to glovebox). Her legs wide, feet braced on dash. In a Denny's parking lot, no less. -scorpious-

#2: Step-by-step instructions

You can try backseat missionary/doggy, but if you are tall like me you will be bent over and bending your knees in awkward positions a lot. I found one of the easier positions to get the job done was...:
  1. Recline passenger seat all the way.
  2. Have a pillow or jacket or something you can put under her to even out the space she is attempting to lay on. For under her butt.
  3. You awkwardly come over, with your back to the glove box and feet on the passenger floor, facing her. Stick it in.
  4. Once it's in, you gradually come further away from the glove box and the front of the car. At this point it's almost like regular sex.
  5. Make sure you are no where you might get caught. Because its extremely difficult to quickly cover yourself up and/or get off each other and try to act like you aren't having sex in the passenger seat of your car.
  6. Make sure you have a towel or paper towels. It will get extremely foggy in your car, and if you're doing it right you should be sweating a lot.
  7. Wear protection brother! (Trojan ultra-ribbed, for me!)
  8. 👍

#3: It can get steamy...and stanky

Don't forget to crack the window open. -such-gold

#4: That has got to hurt

Only time I f**ked in a car, he was in the passenger seat with the seat reclined and I straddled him. It worked well but I slammed my clam on the gear shift by accident when I tried to climb over. Do not recommend that part. -dammit_need_account-

#5: Make your own music

Tilt the driver seat back and do doggy with her looking backwards while your ass rhythmically honks the horn. -LordPutana-

#6: For the love of god...

For the love of god use blankets. In the back of my car the carpeting is super rough and I would get huge burns on my feet and ankles that bled for days. Put some blankets down to cushion it, and you can avoid this problem! -deleted-

#7: The woman taking control is always a good idea

Back seat. She on top. It's really the only thing that has ever kind of worked without being totally uncomfortable. -Dire87-

#8: Seats are for more than sitting on

In the back, have the guy sit in the middle. The girl can face him and bounce on it with your legs on the L and R seats, lean back and use the headrests as leverage to go up and down. He stays put in the middle except the girl positions herself like she's going to sit on his lap. Legs together or spread works, and use the headrests to hold on to to bounce up and down. -eat_me_now-

#9: Pick your outfit

Lots of fun! bring a tissue roll with you and some wet wipes, throw down a towel on a seat, easy clean up! Helps if your girlfriend wears a skirt =D -boredboy33

#10: Okay, we weren't expecting that...

I've found it really depends on the car....it's way easier if the vehicle is willing.-crimsoneyes31

#11: Careful when you're "rolling" in the hay

Just remember to pull the e-brake. In high school I forgot to do that on a slight hill (I drove a standard) and almost ended with terrible consequences.-Th3M33k

#12: Perhaps the wisest advice of them all

If you're in a car and want to have sex comfortably... drive to a hotel. -EyeChihuahua-

#13: This one is going on car banners

Don't dick and drive.-imverysneakysir-


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