Hyundai Proves X-1R WORKS!

With low oil prices that will continue for some time still, one would expect the oil-dependent economies in the Middle East to worry. T...

With low oil prices that will continue for some time still, one would expect the oil-dependent economies in the Middle East to worry. The largest economy in the Arab world, Saudi Arabia, is already feeling the bite and reviewing its budget, as 80% of government income is from oil revenues. The United Arab Emirates, however, achieved a better-than-projected 4.8% growth last year, due to its vibrant and diverse non-oil sectors. Why should Automology be interested in reporting this, you ask? Well, these all inevitably lead back to the automotive industry, naturally.

About two-thirds of the UAE’s GDP come from non-oil sectors, such as tourism, trade & services, manufacturing and real estate development – and what do all these need? Transportation and logistics, of course. In fact, the top growth industries of the nation include: engineering, construction & real estate; trade & logistics; production & manufacturing; and the automotive sector, which undoubtedly benefits from the aforementioned industries. In 2013, the automotive market was divided roughly into 80% for passenger cars and 20% for commercial vehicles, but looking forward to the Dubai 2020 Expo, investors are expecting the scale to begin to tip towards commercial vehicles, which will be needed to build and then run the massive international event.

The market has been largely dominated by Japanese automakers, namely Toyota, Nissan and Mitsubishi. South Korean player, Hyundai, however, is holding its own in the healthy automotive market in UAE, with an estimated 7% market share, making it the fourth largest auto manufacturer in the nation. The sole distributer of Hyundai vehicles in the UAE, Juma Al Majid Establishment (JAME) opened the first Hyundai Heavy Commercial Vehicle Showroom in Dubai in 2013, to exhibit the marque’s line-up of heavy commercial vehicles, including mixers, dump trucks, tractors, and light, medium and heavy buses. Hyundai is betting on the growing construction industry in Dubai to grow its commercial vehicle business. 

Hyundai puts X-1R to the test.

Our sponsor, X-1R, is also keeping a close eye on the UAE’s automotive industry. In September, X-1R was given an opportunity to show off the potency of their products on one of Hyundai’s in-service buses, a 2010 Aero-City bus used to shuttle school children. The bus came in for its regular preventative maintenance at the Hyundai Commercial Vehicles Workshop, managed by JAME. This time, the X-1R Engine Flush was used to clean out the engine, the X-1R Engine Treatment was added to the engine oil and the X-1R Diesel Treatment was added to the fuel tank. The conditions of the bus prior to these applications were recorded, of course.

Cleaner Engine by 91.4%. Samples of the used oil, with and without the X-1R Engine Flush, were tested by the GeoScience Testing Laboratory in Dubai. The results concluded that the added formula was able to eliminate impurities – silica, aluminium, copper, lead, nickel and sediments - that regular draining couldn’t, with an average improvement of 91.4%.

Improved fuel economy by 13.95%. X-1R had claimed that its products could improve fuel economy by 7.5%. By analysing the driver’s notebook on refuelling and distance travelled during the one-month period before and after using X-1R products, it was found that the bus had travelled further on each litre of fuel, after using the X-1R formulas. Fuel consumption had reduced by as much as 13.95%, significantly more than claimed by X-1R, which is unusually humble of an additive manufacturer, but a much welcomed surprised.

Millions of dollars saved, and other incalculable benefits. The test results showed that a bus like the Aero-City could use significantly less fuel, up to 2,100 fewer litres a year, by using X-1R products. This amounts to savings of about AED3,570 or US$970 for each vehicle; in a fleet of 1030 buses, that equals to about US$1 million saved each year. Let’s not forget also the reduction of harmful emissions and fossil fuel consumption, the longer engine and vehicle life, fewer breakdowns and repairs, which also means fewer interruptions to operations, and so many more benefits that come from simply adding X-1R solutions to the vehicle’s regular preventative maintenance.

Read the full Hyundai - X-1R Test Report here.

Yes, X-1R is Automology’s sponsor. But X-1R has indeed proven the efficacy of their products in a myriad of tests and real-world applications, often surpassing the expectations of the organisations administering the tests. Read more about it: X-1R: 21 years of helping rockets get into space; Sludge Buster; X-1R Engine Treatment: Tested & Proven Remarkable; X-1R Octane Booster Comes Out On Top.



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