Kuala Lumpur International Motor Show

After a 3 year hiatus, the Kuala Lumpur International Motor Show makes an eagerly anticipated comeback this year. The Malaysian Autom...

After a 3 year hiatus, the Kuala Lumpur International Motor Show makes an eagerly anticipated comeback this year. The Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) announced the event during a launch in January this year, with the theme 'Efficiency in Motion'. The MAA hopes that the KLIMS13 will reinvigorate the automotive industry in Malaysia.

Today, the 10-day event finally begins and will continue until 24 November 2013 at the Putra World Trade Centre. The exhibition space covers 30,000sqm with 150 exhibitors. It is expected to draw in a crowd of over 330,000 visitors.

This makes it the eighth time that the KLIMS is held. This year, it promises to "woo visitors with adrenaline pumping performance cars, provocative concept cars, extravagant super cars and the captivating options available in mobility."
Among the 'unveilings' are the Perodua aluminium engine for the new 1.0 litre D26F-1KR-FE and the new made-in-India 2014 Polo, both slated for launch next year.

Visitors who make it to the KLIMS13 should find their way to the On The Road exhibition booth to get a FREE bottle of X-1R Octane Booster. After all, you do have to pay to get into the exhibition, so the Octane Booster really makes it worth your while. Just follow the simple instructions in the poster below:

Here are some of the pictures from the One The Road booth:

Article published on 15 November 2013. Updated on 18 November 2013.


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