Would You Buy A Car Online?

Years ago, we couldn’t imagine buying a car online. Buying a big ticket item like that was only going to happen if we visited the showroom, ...

Years ago, we couldn’t imagine buying a car online. Buying a big ticket item like that was only going to happen if we visited the showroom, take the car for a drive, speak to salesperson, come to an agreement, submit our documents and wait for our loan to be approved, and then, only then, get hold of the car. Oh, and that new car smell plays a part too.

Image credit : http://marketingunicorns.blogspot.my/
More often than not, it is the long process that follows after choosing their car that irks people. But what if we could shorten the process to, say, a day? No doubt, some of us prefer the traditional way of purchasing a car, yet there are people out there who prefer to do it the new way—online. We live in a new age when buying a car online is the same as buying clothes or food on an app.

In fact, in a survey of 10,000 people conducted by Accenture a couple of years ago to study online car purchases in USA, France, Germany, Brazil, Italy, Japan, India and China, three quarters said that “if given the opportunity, they would consider making their entire car-buying process online, including financing, price negotiation, back office paperwork and home delivery.”

In Malaysia, 12 limited edition Volkswagen Beetles were snapped up within 20 minutes of being put up for sale on the popular shopping site, Lazada. The first sold in just 26 seconds!

“There aren’t too many things out there anymore that you can’t buy in an online way, and it’s really automotive that’s lagging pretty much every other industry out there, said Doug Murtha, Scion’s brand chief, in a Bloomberg article about how the Toyota-owned brand is attempting to make car purchasing “Feel More Like Buying an iPad".

However, not all is as it seems. In a survey conducted by MSN, 62% of American millenials (age 18 to 29) plan to buy their next car at a dealership. Almost every other purchase is done online but buying a car is one thing they’d rather do in person.

But with manufacturers giving the consumers the option to calculate their loan amount, choose the accessories and colours they’d like for their car, and complete all the necessary paperwork online, it could one day be the only way we can purchase cars.

Would you open your laptop and purchase a car from there? Tell us which method you would prefer.


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