X-1R wins Best Lubricant Award

At the recent Motonation event, X-1R Global Sdn Bhd was honoured with the Best Lubricant Award. The gala dinner was held on the firs...

At the recent Motonation event, X-1R Global Sdn Bhd was honoured with the Best Lubricant Award. The gala dinner was held on the first day, during which many industry players were recognized for their participation as well as contribution to their respective market segments throughout the years.

X-1R is already a world-class product with presence in markets across North & South America, Oceania, Asia and Africa. Receiving this award not only speaks of the quality of X-1R products, but also shouts out that it is THE brand when it comes to ensuring peak engine performance and maintaining the longevity of your vehicle.
X-1R representative received the award
X-1R is the only lubricant company to be inducted into the Space Foundation/NASA Space Technology Hall of Fame; no lubricant technology other than X-1R has earned the label “Certified Space Technology” and that seal of approval is proudly displayed on all products.

“We would like to extend our sincerest appreciation to the organisers of Motonation for this award. We wouldn’t be where we are without the support of our partners and customers,” an X-1R representative said. A hearty congratulations from Automology to our sponsor, X-1R; we always knew that you are the best. 

For more info about X-1R, visit www.x1rasia.com.


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