Pornhub sweeps the streets in Jersey and Boston
The popular porn site catches Automologist MAC's attention...but not in the way that it USUALLY does. So there I was watching t...

The popular porn site catches Automologist MAC's attention...but not in the way that it USUALLY does.
So there I was watching the TV news about the big winter storm that just swept across the Northern United States when I saw the pictures of snowploughs emblazoned with the corporate logo of Pornhub all across them. Of course this appealed to my slightly off-beat sense of humour and there is probably any number of risque jokes I could write here, but over here at Automology I would like to rise above the obvious and keep it clean.
So, in a bid to get the streets clear of snow in the aftermath of the storm, the adult internet site, Pornhub, sent out a fleet of trucks to sweep the city streets of Boston and New Jersey, and in doing so, help out local businesses, all whilst boosting brand awareness. But what is more, it was all for free!
The ploughs were seen sporting the company logo in the middle of the plough itself, and whilst they wouldn’t clear the snow from individual’s driveways, you could send a request to for the trucks to turn up in your neighbourhood to assist with the clearing of snow from public highways and byways.

Corey Price, the VP of Pornhub, said “The Pornhub team understands that by this time of year, most cities have run up their budget for snow removal and we thought we'd lend a hand in getting our fans ploughed." There you go. They made that joke up, not me!