Germany to ban the Combustion engine by 2030
Automologist MAC reports on a new rule that could pass in the EU, and it would change the automotive landscape completely. It is clea...

Automologist MAC reports on a new rule that could pass in the EU, and it would change the automotive landscape completely.
It is clear that financial incentives offered to consumers across Europe have failed to lure motorists over to hybrid, and EV cars have not ushered in the brave new world of emission-free driving as was hoped for. Germany’s Federal Council, or Bundesrat to give it is correct name, is now about to up the ante and has passed a resolution that, if implemented, would see the end of new internal combustion engine-powered cars by the year 2030. After this date, all new cars registered in the country would have to be electric or hydrogen-powered and all German motorists would have to put on their hemp lederhosen to potter around in their zero-emission vehicle.
The resolution is not legally binding just yet, but the Bundesrat is already pushing for the European Union technocrats to implement the ban across the entire Euro-Zone, and let’s face it, with the power that Germany wields within the EU, there is a very good chance that this may well happen.
To ensure that there is no last minute mad dash to get into the game, the Bundesrat is seeking a Euro-wide review on the taxation policies and implementation to stimulate the people into getting on board with zero-emission transportation in their personal life. Apart from increasing the tax breaks when you buy a zero-emission ride, one of the key parts of this initiative is a move to eliminate tax breaks that have long been enjoyed by the purchasers of diesel cars in the EU, and in particular France.
Ever increasing emissions rules for diesels, backed by the ‘Dieselgate’ scandal that still dogs Volkswagen, have left many automakers worried that the days of the diesel-powered executive sedan are numbered; remove the lowered cost of ownership, then surely the days of the diesel family car will be numbered.
The European public does not seemed to be that much in love with the diesel - what with the annual smog cloud that chokes Paris, and the distrust that the public has with the manufacturer’s mileage claims - as sales have been plummeting this year. Combine that with an increased zero-emissions incentives and it really may not take much to get Europeans to go green the next time they go car shopping.
Of course, the only question is where do we get all of that extra electricity or hydrogen from; oh, and yes, how long do I have to wait for the battery to charge. (Read: Hydrogen's dirty little secret). Unless, that is, there is a new way of converting the unfortunately gaseous effect of eating sauerkraut into a new green technology.