Autonomous Software saves Car and Driver

The relentless progress of electric cars and automated driving aids have been a well discussed topic on this particular blog, and whils...

The relentless progress of electric cars and automated driving aids have been a well discussed topic on this particular blog, and whilst the rise of the machines and how they are coming to control our lives do put some at unease, particularly when it comes to collision avoidance, there are a growing legion of fans.

A video that has surfaced on the web this week seems to show how one very lucky owner of a Tesla Model S can thank his lucky stars that his car is fitted with the side collision avoidance system. The dash cam footage shared on YouTube by Joshua Brown shows him testing his Model S autopilot system along a highway in Cleveland, USA, when a big white truck appears out of nowhere and begins to cut in front his car. In the footage, as the truck looms ever closer, the autopilot on the Tesla engages and swerves the car into a safe place, thus avoiding a potential fender bender. Brown said, “It was a mistake on behalf of the driver of the truck. He appeared out of nowhere and didn’t even know I was there until I sounded my horn. Since I have owned the car, it has impressed me but this was the first time the side impact avoidance system has been activated. I am very impressed!”

The question, of course, is what would have happened if there had not been space to the right and a car close behind. Perhaps we will never know, but for now, Joshua Brown is a happy Tesla owner. Watch the video below.


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