Serendipitous Discovery

When Razali brought his brand new ride, a 1 month old Yamaha 135cc, to a workshop on Jalan Sentul, all that he was really looking for...

When Razali brought his brand new ride, a 1 month old Yamaha 135cc, to a workshop on Jalan Sentul, all that he was really looking for was a spare part. Unexpectedly, there appeared to be a celebration taking place at the workshop. Something about a new engine formula for motorbikes. Razali was just minding his own business when one of the friendly salespersons approached him, to introduce the new product – the X-1R Small Engine Formula (SEF). With a shrug, he thought, ‘Why not?’.

The results were remarkable. Razali could feel that his bike’s engine was much cooler, had more power and vibrated less than before, even at a speed of 80km/h. When he really pushed his machine, it could reach 126km/h  compared to only 123km/h before (not that we recommend speeding!).

So, one happy customer down; all of you to go! Join Razali in experiencing the benefits of X-1R SEF and you'll be reaching speeds that you never thought you could (Again, speeding is bad! Bad!)


Sludge, Pembunuh Enjin Anda!

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Hentikan Kerosakan Enjin anda SEKARANG!

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X-1R , Vitamin untuk Kereta Anda

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