Serendipitous Discovery

When Razali brought his brand new ride, a 1 month old Yamaha 135cc, to a workshop on Jalan Sentul, all that he was really looking for...

When Razali brought his brand new ride, a 1 month old Yamaha 135cc, to a workshop on Jalan Sentul, all that he was really looking for was a spare part. Unexpectedly, there appeared to be a celebration taking place at the workshop. Something about a new engine formula for motorbikes. Razali was just minding his own business when one of the friendly salespersons approached him, to introduce the new product – the X-1R Small Engine Formula (SEF). With a shrug, he thought, ‘Why not?’.

The results were remarkable. Razali could feel that his bike’s engine was much cooler, had more power and vibrated less than before, even at a speed of 80km/h. When he really pushed his machine, it could reach 126km/h  compared to only 123km/h before (not that we recommend speeding!).

So, one happy customer down; all of you to go! Join Razali in experiencing the benefits of X-1R SEF and you'll be reaching speeds that you never thought you could (Again, speeding is bad! Bad!)


The Longest Running Car Has Travelled the Distance to the Moon 13 Times! Here’s How Irv Gordon Keeps His Car Running…and Here’s How WE Do It

Irv Gordon, now a retired school teacher, fell in love at first sight with his Volvo P1800 the moment he saw a photo of it in Road & Track in 1966. After buying it new, he only had US$50 left to h...

Penjimatan Besar Dalam Botol Yang Kecil!

Kepada semua pemilik motosikal! Sudah tiba masanya anda mendapat lebih banyak keseronokan daripada perjalanan, masa untuk menyertai keluarga X-1R dan mengetahui mengapa pemenang perlumbaan pemandu ...

Penderitaan Bertambah bagi Pemandu Asia

Harga minyak sekali lagi bertambah, dengan penanda aras Brent mentah melangkah lebih daripada USD80 setong untuk tempoh yang singkat sebelum khabar angin kenaikan pengeluaran Saudi / Rusia menyaksi...

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