It's Smog Season In China, Therefore It's Time To Stop The Cows Farting And The Chinese From Eating Meat!
Columnist MAC has a seemingly odd proposition to counter air pollution. Hear him out... Okay, okay, here I go again. This time ...

Columnist MAC has a seemingly odd proposition to counter air pollution. Hear him out...
Okay, okay, here I go again. This time with probably the longest and potentially most controversial headline this publication will ever carry and one that doesn’t seem to have any bearing on cars or the science of cars, but bear with me. The smog in China and the amount of meat that is now being consumed in that territory does have a direct relevance to our view of the humble automobile and, of course, global implications when we consider the pending battle we face with global warming.
month, an industrial city called Harbin in the northeast of China made
international headlines for all the wrong reasons when the air
pollution index became so bad that the local government had to close all
schools and urged residents to stay inside. For the record, the
visibility dropped to just 10 metres. The life threatening smog hit just
1 day after the city turned on its coal-fired public heating system. A
coincidence? We think not, and neither did Xinhua, the
state-run news agency, which claimed that the heating system was “a
key factor for the smoggy weather”. Yes, it is smog season again in China and the
first trickle of stories that threaten to become a torrent of misery for
the region’s residents has already began.
Friday saw the start of the Beijing public heating system with the
promise of bringing a not quite so balmy 18 degrees Celsius indoor
temperature to the otherwise frigid capital. But it is feared that this
event may also bring with it a precipitous drop in the capital’s already
lamentably bad air quality. The public heating system is a carry-over
from outdated Soviet style central planning whereby the government still
provides heavily subsidised coal-fired central heating to homes in the north of the country, and has done so since Zhou En Lai declared in the
1950s that heating would be deemed a basic right. Since that time, homes
and offices north of the Huai River and Qinling Mountains receive free
heating from centralised heating plants.
environmental catastrophe that this has led to has really only started
to be appreciated in the past few years, with the ever present winter
smog now more than just a blot on the landscape. In fact, an article in
the July edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
an American journal, has linked coal burning to a lowered life
expectancy of as much as 5 years for the average adult. There is a
population of more than 500 million people north of the Huai River and,
thus, China has lost an aggregate of more than 2.5 billion years of life
due to the smog, according to the study. The same research team also
discovered that pollution levels were markedly higher just north of the
river, the heating demarcation zone, than in comparative areas just
south of the river.
In response to last month’s choking smog in Beijing, which incidentally occurred prior to the great heating turn-on, the city government has announced that it will replace 4 of the coal-fired plants with cleaner natural gas burners by the end of 2015, which will save burning some 9.3 million tonnes of wheeze-inducing coal. The district’s furnace system is a notoriously inefficient system that has central boilers, heating water that is in turn piped to the surrounding area; whenever you transfer energy like this, it will not be efficient and prone to system leakage. In a perhaps futile attempt to reduce the smog, the city authorities has already closed some of the city’s ring roads and has restricted new car registration to just 150,000 units per year, seemingly blaming the poor, defenceless automobile for the pending misery that is sure to come again. But perhaps, just perhaps, the blame may be going to the wrong place and whilst it may appear that the municipal heating plants are jointly culpable, perhaps the authorities should start to take a look at the conspicuous consumption that is now visible in all walks of Chinese life. |
and government planners around the world have for some decades been
heralding the ascension of China to the number 1 spot for the
consumption of meat. The emerging nation now consumes more meat than the
US of Americaland, twice as much in fact. With a population of more
than 3 times the size of the USA, perhaps this is not surprising, but it
is the speed at which that consumption has grown that is perhaps most
astounding. In the early 1970s, just after the Great Leap Forward, the
nation’s meat consumption was some 8 million tonnes per year compared to
about 24 million tonnes in the USA.
forward to today and that picture has changed with China now consuming
over 71 million tonnes to the USA’s approximate 31 million. To put the
growth into perspective, if you lived in China in the late 1950s, you
would consume an average of about 5.2kg of meat a year, but just 50
years later, that figure has risen to over 52kg per year. Although the
average American still consumes significantly more meat on an individual
basis, the Chinese consumer is obviously hungry for more, much more.
The fact is, American meat consumption is dropping year on year whilst
Chinese consumption is growing by as much as 3% per year. (Refer to: Meat Consumption in China Now Double That in the United States)
here is where we get back to the smog in Beijing. The animals we eat
produce massive amounts of greenhouse gases, particularly with their
flatulence. In fact, cows and sheep farts are seen (or is that smelt?)
to contribute to more than 6% of all the greenhouse gases in the UK and
for an agricultural country like New Zealand, some 32% of the nation’s
total. The UN News Centre claims that the rearing of cattle produces more greenhouse gases than all of the cars.
meat of choice in China is still pork with some 75% of the world’s pig
population living there. Yup, a total of 476 million of them at any 1
time, and that is a lot of bacon. Historically, the pig has been so
ubiquitous in the land that the ideogram for ‘home’ in China is a roof
with a pig under it. Traditionally, the rural Chinese house would have a
pig as a sort of edible garbage disposal system being fed crop waste
and table scraps. However, the insatiable appetite for pork has led to
the industrialisation of the pig rearing business and the country has
now moved a long way from its rural and sustainable ideal. The pork
industry is now as guilty as beef production in, say USA or Brazil, for
the production of greenhouse gases.
the next time you are at your favourite steak restaurant, consider the
fact that the drive to the restaurant may not have contributed as much
to global warming as the meat you are about to eat. And if you really
care about the world, buy some hemp trousers, cycle to work, become a
vegetarian and don’t FART!
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