X-1R Gets Into Nissan (Car Engines)

image: Nissan Philippines Universal Motors Corporation (UMC) Philippines has recently endorsed Autohub Car Care Services (ACCS)...

image: Nissan Philippines

Universal Motors Corporation (UMC) Philippines has recently endorsed Autohub Car Care Services (ACCS) as the authorised local supplier of X-1R products for all 26 Nissan dealerships in the country. 

UMC is the exclusive distributor and assembler of 70% of the Nissan models, including pickups, SUVs, vans and light commercial vehicles, sold in the Philippines. ACCS will be supplying them with X-1R’s Engine Treatment, Diesel Engine Treatment and Petrol Engine Treatment. 

The next time a Nissan vehicle zooms pass you (or if you ride in one) on the road in the Philippines, you’ll know why the  car glides like a butterfly and its engine purrs like a kitten!



宇宙を再び魅力的に - X-1R今でも驚きの存在

どうして人類が最後に月に登れた原因はソビエト社会主義共和国連邦が最初に旗を月の土壌に挿したら、アメリカは滅びるでしょう。冷戦が終わった後、宇宙探査は行き詰まっていました。FAAからNASAへの財政の支援は60年代が一番支援額が多い時代です。2017年では0.47%落ち(約2.14兆円)、NASAが成立した翌年1959年以来、この数字はずっと下がる一方です。(情報源:ウィキペディア) ...

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