UK Car Ban "Not Enough”, say Critics, but Where is the Juice Coming From?
There's more to be said about the recent UK car ban. Our resident Brit, Automologist MAC, brings us the latest news. The Great Bri...

There's more to be said about the recent UK car ban. Our resident Brit, Automologist MAC, brings us the latest news.
The Great Britain government’s GBP3 billion pound clean air strategy has not impressed environmental campaigners there, who claim that it is not “fast enough or far enough”. The move includes the banning of petrol- and diesel-powered cars by 2040, and sweeping powers to local councils to improve air quality, but does not include any form of scrappage scheme that the environmentalists had been baying for.
Read this if you don't know what's going on: UK announces Ban on new Petrol and Diesel Cars
Of course at this point I would like to point out that if Michael Gove, the UK Secretary of State for the Environment, would just read some of our articles on how X-1R can significantly reduce fuel consumption - in particular, reduce exhaust fumes in diesel vehicles and that pesky nitrous dioxide by 30% - he'd know that there is a significant solution to pollution woes already available. Will someone take a moment to let him know, please?
Take a moment to re-read our article on “Five Things you didn’t know about an Emerging Green Technology.”
Hey Mike, have you heard of X-1R?
Whilst there is this rush to move away from combustion engines, there is something to consider and that is where is the electricity coming from to juice up the cars? In the UK alone, a country that has traditionally been good at supplying electricity to its population, there will be a need for an estimated ten new nuclear power stations or some 10,000 wind turbines; that is, of course, assuming that we will not go back to using good old coal to power the grid.
But wait, there is more. For most motorists that live in UK cities that were laid out long before personal transportation was ever thought of, the cost of adding the required charging points could run into trillions of pounds. This all would have to be done by local councils who can’t fill potholes, so what chance would the UK driver have in getting the Brave New Electric Highway that they seem to be being promised. Not much, me thinks.